lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Orden, amplitud y color diseñan un ‘showroom’

En lo que se refiere a los 'showrooms', la frase 'la primera impresión es la que cuenta' deja de ser un simple cliché para volverse una verdad absoluta.

Es más, explica el Arq. Fernando Almeida, la buena o mala decoración de un local puede decidir el éxito o el fracaso de un almacén. Si la tienda no despierta el interés, el negocio está en problemas.

En el diseño de locales comerciales, explica Rodney Verdezoto, hay parámetros tan importantes como el valor estético, funcional y ergonómico; el uso de materiales o la aplicación del color. Son las nuevas estrategias de 'merchandising', las cuales ayudan a que el local diseñado dé resultados positivos en ventas.

Estas estrategias se aplican tanto en las vitrinas y rotulación, como en los espacios interiores, en donde la distribución conceptual del producto, el equilibrio en el manejo de la luz y el soporte a través de imágenes y video dan un alto valor agregado, explica Verdezoto.

No menos importante es el valor del personal de atención con una imagen de soporte a la marca, que es el complemento perfecto para que un local justifique económicamente su inversión, aclara Verdezoto.

La distribución espacial -incluidos espacios vacíos, estanterías y mobiliario- es esencial en el diseño interior de un showroom. Para el Arq. Ígor Muñoz fue una determinante en el rediseño de Zientte by Dejavu de Cumbayá.

La propuesta logró crear espacios amplios interconectados, que permiten una diafanidad espacial y una idónea iluminación natural. Se aprovecharon los grandes ventanales de la casa de 800 m² para convertirlos en vitrinas que muestran los objetos en su verdadera dimensión.

En Mundomac del paseo San Francisco, Verdezoto privilegió el uso de colores en los espacios interiores para dar equilibrio, gran atracción y generar zonas de impacto visual con iluminación luz de día.

A esto le acompañó un manejo superorganizado de la distribución del producto balanceando colores y proporciones de los mismos.

En Demócrata, Verdezoto buscó un concepto que trasmita el valor agregado que genera el diseño de los zapatos. Por eso privilegió los tonos tierra, la luz cálida, el equilibrio de espacios, la distribución minimalista y el soporte con gigantografías alusivas.


lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

MSM poaches former Google data scientist

MSM Corporation (ASX:MSM), has welcomed a Data star  into its ranks as part of its unique Megastar Millionaire platform that gives people the opportunity to compete in a global online talent competition. Megastar Millionaire is on course for a launch date by the end of year and will kick-off its first talent search by offering a US$1 million winner’s prize.

To deliver its digital platform with full specs and on schedule, MSM has finalized its technical development team with the hiring of Data Scientist Mr. Roman Sharkey, a 31 year old Russian data expert with savant-like abilities in the field of data science, mathematics, big data, statistical modelling and algorithms. He joins an existing team of talented designers and developers that has been assembled over the past year.

The Megastar Millionaire platform looks to monetise the recent attraction of talent-search TV programmes such as ‘X-Factor’, ‘American Idol’ and ‘The Voice’ by embracing online video, online gaming and social media as part of the user experience.

MSM’s ambition is to reach and surpass existing talent-search variants that do not take advantage of the surge in online participation. American Idol is exclusively broadcast to TV viewers in the US, and is

valued at US$2.5 billion (A$3.6 billion).


Sizing the teeth on this shark

Mr. Sharkey graduated from KIMEP University in 2005, a leading university in Kazakhstan, with a strong reputation of incubating high-calibre graduates with top-end mathematical and statistical abilities.

MSM Lead Data Scientist, Mr. Roman Sharkey

Mr. Sharkey was headhunted by PriceWaterhouseCoopers as a Senior Advisory Consultant in his early 20s. Since then, Mr. Sharkey has focused on quantitative roles focusing on data analysis and modelling within financial markets where his natural mathematical abilities were tapped by the likes of Rapoport Capital and Zettacap in the US. In 2015, he was wooed over to tech giant Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), now trading as Alphabet Inc, where he designed a unified multidimensional data structure to enable the integration and distributed storage of information from a number of separate big data systems.

The data scientist joins MSM’s technical team which is now galvanised to build out the Megastar Millionaire platform. MSM says the addition of Mr. Sharkey is primarily aimed at “extracting knowledge from raw data in various forms and use this data to improve the consumer experience in real time, thereby maximising potential financial returns”. Through his highly valuable skill set, Mr Sharkey has the ability to drive the enhancement of a unique and compelling talent discovery experience platform; Megastar Millionaire.

His experience includes fluency in machine learning, data science and business intelligence along with data structures and algorithms, all valuable areas for creating MSM’s highly engaging, distinct and game changing talent competition.

It’s been rumoured that Mr. Sharkey has signed an exclusive contract that ties him to MSM Corporation for an undisclosed period, thereby preventing competitors from luring him away from MSM.

Commenting on its technical team appointment, MSM Managing Director Dion Sullivan said, “A hire of Mr. Sharkey’s calibre is a very strong endorsement of our Company [MSM]. His unique skill-set as a Data Scientist will significantly enhance the development of our innovative talent competition offering. We now have assembled a truly world class technical team, in a short period of time, who are focussed upon completing the build and delivery of Megastar Millionaire.”
